Sunday, May 20, 2007

Started painting

After the reef club meeting, I started painting the new tank room. I was thinking of doing the wall the tank will be against and the opposite wall in the 'Paper Bag' color seen here, and it looks pretty good.

So far all I did was some of the bulk painting, none of the detail work. Couldn't do that with a roller. If I decide to stick with the two colors I'll have to do some masking and finish up the details.

The only time critical part though is getting everything behind where the tank will be done. So I have to get the edger and do the top against the ceiling and I have to work on the molding. Other than that, everything else can happen slowly as the tank is brought up to speed.

It's starting to look really good. And the sump is supposed to be shipped tomorrow. So since the tank is cleaned and ready, it could be moved in sometime during this week.

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