Monday, August 20, 2007

Black and White Clownfish in QT

So my local reef club, CTARS, sponsored a group buy of Black and White clownfish from LiveAquaria. I purchased two and put them in quarantine on Friday.

Before putting them into quarantine, I gave them a quick dip in 1 gallon of fresh water mixed with Methylene Blue. This was to help knock any parasites and diseases off them.

Not long after getting the fish home, it was reported by other members that their fish had Brooklynella. Since others did it was a good bet mine did too, although they weren't showing any signs. Since showing signs is probably too late to start trying to save them, I decided to take some action.

Fortunately when I was setting up my quarantine tank, I bought a few medications just in case, one of them being Formalin. Formalin is a 37% solution of Formaldehyde and water. To treat the fish, I gave them a 'bath' in 1 gallon of seawater and 1 ml of Formalin with plenty of vigorous aeration. After 30 minutes they were returned to their tank.

It took a while for them to recover, the smaller of the two looked like he took it worse than the larger, but I'm happy to say that after 30 hours out of the bath, they appear very healthy, swim around the tank continuously, and eat heartily.

I harvested a bit of calerpa from the refugium and put it into the quarantine with them to allow them to graze on an copepods that might have come along for the ride. I'll be discarding of the calerpa soon so it doesn't foul the QTs water.

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